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Support for Affiliated Faculty

Learn more about the support we provide WCM-Q Affiliated Faculty, including library collections, reference and chat services, consultations, interlibrary loans, and training.

Getting your research started

We support literature reviews in a number of ways, including providing structured search strategies, creating bibliographies, and collaborating on reviews to support patient care.

Set up a session with a librarian to get started.

Literature Search Service Level Agreement

Focused, expert literature searching (such as is conducted for systematic reviews) is a value-added service available for current members of the Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar community. We offer affiliated faculty Tier One service, project lead and point-of-contact to the Health Sciences Library must be the affiliate. In an effort to provide the highest levels of service and quality to the entire community, we have broken our participation and services into two user options (see below). 

Tier One Acknowledgement
  1. Initial meeting
  2. Review intake form determining if the project is systematic review vs. other type of review (e.g., protocol review, narrative review, literature review for grant application, etc.)
  3. Develop a PubMed search strategy
  4. Identification and suggestion of other databases to user for extending search
  5. Advise on citation management and article appraisal tools
3 hours
Tier Two Co-authorship
  1. Identification of other appropriate databases for extending search
  2. Translations of searches into other databases
  3. Storage and management of citations in citation management tool and/or Covidence
  4. Thorough deduplication
  5. Searching the grey literature and/or hand searching
  6. Assistance with PRISMA flowchart (upon request)
  7. Writing of the search methods section + search strategy
  8. More in-depth collaboration on additional parts of the project (e.g., writing other parts of the manuscript, providing additional input/support with the systematic review process, etc.)
3+ hours

Participation in systematic reviews by librarians comes recommended by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.

Adapted from Stanford University, Lane Medical Library