Publication Services is an offering from the Health Sciences Library to support scholarly publishing activity. Talk to us about manuscript editing, journal selection assistance, copyright guidance, visual abstract review and consultation, measuring research performance, and your search strategies.
We provide training on library and research related concepts and tools such as iThenticate, EndNote, RefWorks, citation management, locating full-text, and plagiarism. Our consultation services include identifying predatory publishers, choosing the right research databases, and much more.
Our document delivery and Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service helps you get access to full-text articles and loan print books not available in our WCM-Q Library collection. Find out how to create an account in our ILL system and submit requests, even directly from the research database you are working from.
The Systematic Review Service at the Health Sciences Library is designed to connect researchers and healthcare providers with librarians who are knowledgeable about the systematic review process, and able to provide the expert searching that is essential for creating high quality systematic reviews.