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Course List

Med 1


Additional Course Support Guides


The Library offers instructional support in a number of manners, including:

  • Providing information resources that match the curriculum;
  • Developing course materials for on-demand, online, and in-person delivery;
  • Mapping instructional content to required competencies and EPAs;
  • Delivering interactive sessions on topics ranging from plagiarism to evidence-based medicine (EBM);
  • Researching pedagogical methodologies and best practices.

If you would like to know more about what we can do for and in your classroom, please request library training.

We also have Library Guides that give tips and tricks for curriculum and course development.


Academic Liaison Librarians act as a link between the library and the WCM-Q community to promote the Library resources and services. They are specialized in various subject areas and can provide assistance by:

  • Developing individualized strategies to meet your particular information and research needs;
  • Offering on-demand group sessions and one-on-one assistance to students, faculty and staff;
  • Creating instructional materials to cover information-related topics;
  • Delivering workshops to develop specific research skills for different audiences;
  • Working with faculty to integrate information fluency competencies into various courses through eLearning modules.



Liaison Librarian

Back-up Librarian

Foundation & Premedical

Ross MacDonald


Sa’ad Laws



Sa’ad Laws

Ross MacDonald

Research & AOC

Ross MacDonald


Sa’ad Laws




Course Support

The Information Fluency curriculum is embedded in the English for Academic Purposes course to build students information literacy and research skills.

In-Class Sessions

Additionally, and upon request from faculty, librarians provide in-class instruction. Workshops as well as one-on-one sessions are designed to introduce students to databases and information resources available from the Library.

Pre-Med 1

We offer a more in-depth level of research assistance than is available at most universities. Ask us to show you how the Library empowers self-reliant searching and information management.

Course Support
Librarians are constantly available to provide help to students seeking information. Being liaison librarians to your course we are aware of your assignments and your professors' expectations.

Workshops & In-Class Sessions
Upon invitation by your professor, in-class instruction on a number of library-related resources & services is provided.  As well librarians will offer instruction on information literacy skills. We are also please provide individual sessions on request by contacting the Reading Room at 4492-8100.

Pre-Med 2

Course support

The Library is not directly involved in the teaching of the PreMed 2 courses. However, in our Library Guides pages we provide collections of resources aimed at helping students in their studies. 

Out-of-class training

The Library provides out-of-class workshops on the resources available to students and faculty, and how to use them. These workshops - which are held on an occasional basis - are advertised on the Library homepage, by posters, and by email.

Med 1


The Library's involvement in Med 1 focuses on the teaching of Evidence Based Medicine in the MPS1 course. We are integrally involved in designing how the course will be taught, creating teaching materials, and providing in-class instruction.

In recent years, we have worked at finding new ways to bring make the subject relevant and interesting to students. This has focused on the incorporation of standardized patients in class sessions, and the development of online tutorials for use in the MPS1 Canvas page.

Course support

Our Library Guide provides a variety of resources on EBM, including suggested databases, mobile applications, an introduction to searching PubMed, and even the occasional educational video. We are always available to help Med 1 students find information relating to their courses.

Med 2

Course Support

The Library works to support all of the Med Year 2 clerkships at WCMC-Q.  Support has taken the form of course support pages, the teaching of skills needed in order to fully participate in a journal club, and instruction regarding conducting searches for scholarly literature.  In recent years, we have also promoted mobile apps which would be of interest to Med Year 2 students.

Workshops, In-Class Sessions, & Individual Consultations

Upon invitation by your professor, in-class instruction on a number of library-related resources & services is provided. 

The Library also provides out-of-class workshops on the resources available to students and faculty, and how to use them. These workshops - which are held on an occasional basis - are advertised on the Library homepage, by posters, and by email.

But don't think you have to wait for an in-class session with a librarian or a library workshop to have all your library related questions answered!  We are also pleased to provide individual consultations on request by contacting the Reading Room at 4492-8100.

Med 3 / Med 4


The Library's involvement in Med 3 focuses on supporting the various clerkships. Support takes the form of instruction of evidence based medicine, bibliographic management, and utilization of resources.

In recent years, we have worked at finding new ways to integrate information literacy within the clinical experience for WCMC-Q students. In some cases, this has taken the form of utilizing mobile computing to access information resources, while at other times it has been through "real-time" evidence based medicine.

Course support

Our Library Guide provides a variety of resources, including suggested databases, mobile applications, an introduction to searching PubMed, and even the occasional educational video. We are available to assist medical students and faculty through a variety of mediums, such as in-person, via email and chat.



Our librarians provide training to the faculty and staff of the Research Department in the use of all the library resources, from use of the library web site, to advanced database searching and the use of citation management software. Courses in particular resources are organized throughout the year, but many research personnel prefer to arrange one-on-one sessions that address their specific needs.

Research support

Besides providing training, the library staff also supports researchers in the performance of their work: helping with database searches, locating difficult-to-find information, formatting references, purchasing new resources or conducting systematic reviews.

General Info


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