Are you seeking a versatile, cost-effective way for leisure and educational reading? OverDrive and Libby offer instant access to a vast digital library of ebooks and audiobooks, whether is popular fiction or educational reading anytime. Enjoy the convenience of borrowing and reading anytime, anywhere, on any device, without the limitations of physical books or library hours.
You have the opportunity to access a diverse range of formats and methods for obtaining e-books and audiobooks:
Formats available:
Methods of access:
Borrowing Privileges:
What do you need to enjoy free instant access to digital ebooks and audiobooks?
Note: For your privacy, please use OverDrive and Libby on your personal devices (desktop and mobile).
You can download the Libby app on your personal devices from Apple, Google Play, or Amazon Kindle stores and access it with your library card.
If you already use Libby with another library:
For more information, please read Getting started with Libby.
Stream e-books and audiobooks directly through the Libby web browser.
Stream e-books and audiobooks directly through the OverDrive web browser.
For more information, please read Getting started with Libby.
Borrow e-books on your Kindle device or via the Kindle reading apps from your library's OverDrive. Please read Borrowing Kindle Books from your library's OverDrive website and follow instructions.
Epub is a file format designed to be highly compatible with various e-readers, tablets and mobile devices. If you plan to use EPub files, install Adobe Digital Edition.
If a title is not available, you can place a hold:
You can check your place in line for a hold:
You can save time by saving your preferences:
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