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Course Support: Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship

Course Support for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship

Tips for building your EBM write-up...

In addition to those directives and tips listed in the clerkship syllabus, these tips will help you as you write your EBM assignment.


  • Make sure that as your present the pertinent details of your case, you are explicit in describing the nature and context of what the EBM question is.
  • Cases without a clear question are confusing.


  • Make sure that all of the important details of your case are in the PICO in the proper place. Make sure that your Outcome is not vague.
  • Don’t write, “improvement of X”, “X is better than Y”, or “resolution of Y.” These are often too vague and don’t really offer an actual outcome.
  • Think about how you would practically measure an outcome for your patient.


  • You should be running multiple searches before settling on a final search.
  • Consider using MeSH, where appropriate.
  • Think about which filters make the most sense and don’t use ones that don’t (look at your results to see what effect filters have).
  • Always consider using the Review filter.
  • Think about how your search is organized and if that is helping or hurting you.
  • While complicated searches seem better, often times simple looking searches work best.


  • Write this section in your own words, don’t just restate what the author has said.
  • Make sure that anything that you take from other sources (words, graphs, images, etc…) are cited in your work.
  • Use Vancouver Citation Style when referencing.

Resources to help you with referencing

Appraisal: Reviews

Appraisal: Study Bias

Appraisal: Statistics

Speciality Obstetrics and Gynecology Databases

General Clinical Research Databases