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Academic Liaison Librarians


Course Support

The Information Fluency curriculum is embedded in the English for Academic Purposes course to build students information literacy and research skills.

In-Class Sessions

Additionally, and upon request from faculty, librarians provide in-class instruction. Workshops as well as one-on-one sessions are designed to introduce students to databases and information resources available from the Library.



Premed 1

We offer a more in-depth level of research assistance than is available at most universities. Ask us to show you how the Library empowers self-reliant searching and information management.

Course Support
Librarians are constantly available to provide help to students seeking information. Being liaison librarians to your course we are aware of your assignments and your professors' expectations.

Workshops & In-Class Sessions
Upon invitation by your professor, in-class instruction on a number of library-related resources & services is provided.  As well librarians will offer instruction on information literacy skills. We are also please provide individual sessions on request by contacting the Reading Room at 4492-8100.

Premed 2

Course support

The Library is not directly involved in the teaching of the PreMed 2 courses. However, in our Library Guides pages we provide collections of resources aimed at helping students in their studies. 

Out-of-class training

The Library provides out-of-class workshops on the resources available to students and faculty, and how to use them. These workshops - which are held on an occasional basis - are advertised on the Library homepage, by posters, and by email.