The Library's Publication Services offer assistance with many aspects of getting a paper published, including manuscript editing, preparation of graphics, selecting a journal, and open access publishing options.
ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique identifier to distinguish an author from their peers when submitting a paper or applying for a grant
Researchers can log in to Google Scholar with a Gmail account and let the database know what papers are theirs.
VIVO is a "research-focused discovery tool" that allows researchers to showcase their work and identify potential collaborators.
The HSL Reading Room is located in Room A001, in the North Hall Weill Cornell Medicine - Qatar. The Reading Room is available for the use of WCM-Q faculty, staff, and students. WCM-Q Affiliates and members of the public may also visit, although they have limited access to HSL resources.
For more information about using the Reading Room see:
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