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Publication Services

This Guide provides an overview of the publication services offered by the Health Sciences Library.

Manuscript Editing

We are pleased to offer a free manuscript editing service.

This is primarily conducted by our Content Development Specialist, with support from others in the team as required. This review can take one of three forms:

  • Light editing (3-4 days)
    • Correcting spelling, word usage, grammar, and punctuation
    • Cross-checking text with tables and figures for correct associations
  • Medium edit (4-5 days)
    • Light edit, plus:
      • Check compliance with journal guidelines
      • Suggesting textual changes for clarity and concision
      • Ensuring style consistency
      • Changing passive to active voice
  • Heavy edit (6-7 days)
    • Medium edit, plus
      • Review narrative (logical/storytelling) structure

Although we may comment on areas of concern, such as the new NIH requirements on scientific rigor and reproducibility, we are not a substitute for the scientific review that a mentor or colleague can provide.

A second review may be requested if structural changes are recommended at first edit and a follow-up check would add benefit.

Reference and citation formatting is not within the scope of Publication Services. We suggest that you refer to journal guidelines and use citation management tools and cite-while-you-write features. If you need assistance with tools and tailoring them for a specific journal, please Request EndNote Training or Request RefWorks Training

Grant Application Editing (Pilot Scheme)

We are pleased to offer, initially as a pilot program, a free grant editing service for faculty, researchers, and staff within WCM-Q. This is primarily conducted by our Content Development Specialist, with support from others in the team as required.  

As a program with limited capacity, we concentrate on the following prioritized grant categories: 

  • Junior faculty writing their first grant
  • Resubmissions of Not Awarded QNRF grant applications 
  • Applications outside of QNRF funding streams 

Grant editing requests are considered both on a first-come, first-served basis and also ranked by categories as noted above. To increase your chance of acceptance, we strongly encourage you to request this service and deliver your grant materials at the earliest possible date. 

This review can take two forms: 

  • Light edit (2-3 days) 
    • Correcting spelling, word usage, grammar, and punctuation 
    • Cross-checking text with tables and figures for correct associations
  • Medium edit (allow 5 days) 
    • Light editing, plus 
    • Suggesting textual changes for clarity and concision 
    • Ensuring style consistency 
    • Changing passive to active voice 

Although we may comment on areas of concern, such as the new NIH requirements on scientific rigor and reproducibility, we are not a substitute for the scientific review that a mentor or colleague can provide.  

Reference and citation formatting is not within the scope of Publication Services. We suggest that you refer to journal guidelines and use citation management tools and cite-while-you-write features. If you need assistance with tools and tailoring them for a specific journal, please Request EndNote Training or Request RefWorks Training

What we expect: 

  • Submission of grant materials, including reviewer comments for resubmissions, well before grant deadline (three weeks strongly recommended; no requests accepted within one week of deadline) 
  • Grant materials in Microsoft Word format 

We will notify you within 24 business hours whether your request has been accepted. Please do not send any grant materials before then. 

Request Service

Request a publication service using our form, we will get back to you as soon as possible with any follow-up questions or to book a consultation.