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Resources for Students

Resources and services designed to help WCM-Q students with all of their information needs from research, to course support, and clinical learning.

Literature Searching

Where to search

Guides to using selected databases

Finding the full text of references

Working with references

Patient Care Resources

Point-of-care resources

The Library has a number of resources intended for use at the point-of-care:

Patient care training resources

Managing Your Scholarly Profile


ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique identifier to distinguish an author from their peers when submitting a paper or applying for a grant

  • An ORCID profile can act as an online version of a CV, including papers, grants, employment, education, and even peer review activity (see this fictional example) - these details can be kept private or made public
  • ORCIDs can be linked to author profiles in some databases, e.g. Scopus Author Identifier, Web of Knowledge's Researcher ID
  • Registration is free

Google Scholar

Researchers can log in to Google Scholar with a Gmail account and let the database know what papers are theirs.

  • Google Scholar can track citations to papers, generate an h-index, and act as an online bibliography that can be kept private or made public
  • See here for more information from Google
  • See Google Scholar: This time it's personal (video) for customizing Google Scholar